Leadership Resources

Leadership Resources

Leadership Resources

Want to retain your immigrant talent, while you also provide immigrant professionals the tools they need to lead? Consider partnering with the Toronto Region Immigrant Employment Council (TRIEC) for its free program: Career Advancement for Immigrant Professionals.


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Working NB Working NB can help you retain your immigrant talent by providing resources and funding possibilities. It offers customized training plans including Workplace Essential Skills (WES).
Working NB Working NB provides HR support such as labour market information as well as recruitment, retention, and training strategies.


“At Greystone Energy Systems we value the benefits that diversity brings to our organization. We hire many different nationalities with a variety of educational backgrounds, training, and a broad range of skills. We primarily hire for manufacturing roles but when we get a newcomer with skills and a background suitable for roles beyond manufacturing, we share those résumés with managers of other departments and often arrange introductions so they are aware of the potential talent we have on-site. We foster an environment of promoting within and benefit from retaining talent. It’s a win-win!”

— Jodi Mattatall, HR Manager, Greystone Energy Systems